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Interempresas participates in the initiative as' medium'

Aedyr kicks off its series of technical workshops with a great success

David Muñoz11/07/2013

Approximately 200 professionals attended in Madrid, on July 10, the workshop 'New materials and products for desalination and reuse' organized by the Spanish Association of desalination and reuse (Aedyr) and Enviro Networking. With this first quotation starts a series of meetings of a technical nature which for a year and half to help attendees deepen in the scientific sphere and in the possibilities of internationalization of this sector.

During the welcome ceremony, Manuel Rubio, President of Aedyr, as well as the presence to all attendees, pointed out that the Association has taken careful note of the suggestions issued during the General Assembly's last November, focusing since then much of the efforts in two lines: consolidate Aedyr as the great technical forum of debate in the industry of desalination and reuse in Spain, and to promote the internationalization of our companies, in collaboration with Icex, looking all defend and strengthen the 'mark Spain - water'.

From left to right: Pilar González...

From left to right: Pilar González. the Magrama, Rosa Xuclá, of the Magrama, Manuel Rubio, President of Aedyr, Margarita Palau, the Ministry of health, and Mª Carmen García, Aedyr.

That goal become the great forum of the sector to this partnership fits, as it confirmed Mª del Carmen García, of Aedyr, the initiative to organize a series of technical workshops over the next year and a half, complemented perfectly with the new communication strategy which has been carrying out this Association in recent months through different social networks and its new quarterly newsletter.

The idea is to organize a workshop on a topic monograph, with a scientific sense (r & d) or focused to the internationalization of companies every three-four months. All this with the aim of generating discussion and conclusions enabling to adapt to the new needs of the market.

Participation of administration

For the inauguration of this series of technical workshops, the organization attended by two representatives of the Ministry of agriculture, food and environment. First of all, Rosa Xuclá, of the General infrastructure and technology, pointed out that his Ministry is an "obligation" to support an association as Aedyr representing a sector in which Spain is the world leader, and that also favors two activities, desalination and reuse, which provide a "tremendous value" to the integral water cycle. Furthermore, added the representative of Magrama, where Spanish, by their characteristic drought, both desalination and water reuse should be seen as lines of action with a great strategic weight.

The Administration wants to continue supporting both actions, as it has been doing for years (the reuse more recently), but, aware of the economic difficulties facing our country, points to the possibility to find new ways of financing, especially in the field of public-private.

Manuel Rubio, President of Aedyr

Manuel Rubio, President of Aedyr.

The ultimate goal, as it was Rosa Xuclá, is to obtain quality water, with the lowest possible costs and formulas that reduce energy consumption.

For his part, Pilar González, the unit of support of the direction General of water, focused on actions that have been made over the past months through this new Department to promote the ' brand Spain-water ', promoting the internationalization of our companies and attract foreign investment to our country. Among other initiatives, it has participated in different meetings of companies and associations, has been followed the calendar of international events, is favoured the development of bilateral meetings with delegations of other countries, has developed a common discourse that integrates public and private interests in Spain (catalog on the integral water cycle), r & d measures have encouraged and participated in the Europa-China water platform.

Materials in contact with drinking water

The day included a presentation entitled 'Ongoing work on health criteria for materials in contact with drinking water', in charge of Margarita Palau, head of the Area of sanitary quality of the waters of the Ministry of health, social services and equality. A summary of the steps that have been taken to the regulation of this matter during the last 15 years, since the adoption in 1998 of the directive applied to drinking water quality, in which article 10 referred already to the materials, was made during the same up to the performances that have been made during the past few months to develop a future Royal Decree. For writing this, as Margarita Regau, is taken as the basis any documentation which is already available as for example the document ' CEN/TC164, M/136 rev 2 regulatory guidance' (recommended by EU standards), some concerning materials in contact with food, or 305/2011 EU regulation on construction products national and European regulations, among others.

Aedyr day was attended by about 200 professionals

Aedyr day was attended by about 200 professionals.

The scope of this Royal Decree is, as the head of the Ministry of health, confirmed "all product construction, coating or material used in the Assembly process, since the departure of gathering the abstractions to the tap of the consumer, that is or will be in contact with the water for human consumption", which includes organic materialsmetal, cementitious and ceramic.

Technical presentations

Different technical presentations of diverse subjects were included in the program of the day as: 'Pumping of high pressure in desalination by reverse osmosis', 'New development in membranes', 'New developments in dosing and transport of fluids', 'New Adicgreen anti-fouling and cleaning products for reverse osmosis membranes', 'Self-cleaning mesh in desalination and reuse filters', 'New mix technologies applied to the optimization of the use of coagulants in pretreatment of membrane systems' and ' market through expansion product certification: NFS International and the road to global certification '.

Participants in the first block of technical presentations

Participants in the first block of technical presentations.

The day concluded with a round table in which deepened in the technical and medical aspects of desalination and reuse materials.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Desalación y Reutilización

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