
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at De Obi-Wan Kenobi al Whisper XL

Of Obi-Wan Kenobi to Whisper XL

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/10/2007
You get used so as to progress that is not even aware of until what extent depends on the objects that surround us. Who he has not fallen at the airport a box of pins? Years ago they had lost, no one would have repaired it, but today the XL Whisper, that great apparatus judging by their size, fix us the problem. The Whisper of high technology is not new, it is already something that is part of our hearts. And history, especially the more recent history, which is very possible that not even considered, it is full of devices that make our life easier. In the previous issue of this magnificent magazine it was in this same space on the 'all in plastic' garlic peeler, but its relevance in our lives is nothing next to the large Whisper, Whisper XL.

The 1970s brought us the wars, which laid the foundations for an extremely fantastic vision of the future. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a wise and respected Jedi Knight. In many homes they prepared the room for host to R2-D2 or some twin brother theirs which pass you the vacuum cleaner, cleanse the baths and make beds. The future was then robots but today, in the future, as far has come to the human being is to robotizar to their fellow human beings, desproveer them of their own initiative and little taste for improvisation, the risk or the desire to get out of the norm. Today, in the future, R2-D2 is a plastic of unheard properties, Chewbacca would have synthetic hair and who knows, even perhaps to mortíferamente modern attacks such as the Pokemon test. Today, in this future that we are now, we both plastic on top if we burned days we would be burning. Once have they hacked your mobile phone? Rolling to hack with the refrigerator and you will see, you will see what is inside. Or look at your car... Yes, indeed, plastics have not yet achieved that three years after the car through a tunnel of washing has returned to get dirty, but it is no longer forever. Even accepting these shortcomings of plastics, its future is assured. Which has been at the K fair in October will have seen amazing things. One of them is the gigantic machine Krauss Maffei injection moulding an interior of door of full car in a process that includes the reaction of the polyurethane. No beat, technically, the XL Whisper, but so, eye, was of the same size, XL, and we are sure that in the future, in another future, it will become so much part of our lives that we shall not know live without it.

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