
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La emergencia de los viejos valores

The emergence of the old values

Albert Esteves, editor of Interempresas


January 8, 2009

The word crisis, today on everyone's lips, is associated often, and not without reason, the Word change. Or mutation important, according to reads the dictionary of the Real Academia Española. Let's say that he is mostly accepted that whole process of crisis, being in itself a change, is inevitable transit from a prior, and therefore known, stadium into a stadium later, presumably different. In this consensus is, at the outset, something in itself positive. The crisis, despite the fact that its duration be extended in time beyond the wishes of the majority, is not itself a stadium. Only the necessary prelude.

Today all the foci are directed towards the own crisis. It is logical. Its effects are being noted in the savings of private individuals and companies, in many cases dramatically. However, few who risk being translated into the canvas of their forecasts on stage after the battle. The concern now is to survive the bombing. But sooner or later will certainly calm. And then? What are the parameters that will define the new stadium? What new vectors will guide the functioning of our economic and social system? No one is able to answer these questions with certainty, but there is a flow of Fund allows us to venture some elements.

I do not count me among those who predict a new economic order, a re-founded capitalism, on the basis of new controls and regulations. But I dare to predict that in the coming decades will emerge again those old values that forged the economic development in the past. These qualities which for generations became part of the DNA of our entrepreneurs, our cadres of our self-employed workers. Values such as perseverance in effort, responsibility for risk-taking, the prevalence of the sustainable benefit to the rapid enrichment, the recognition of the experience with the mere qualification. Or solvency, a term that sounds almost archaic and the dictionary defines it as the lack of debts or the ability to meet them. Or the rigor and seriousness in the fulfilment of contracts and payment obligations. Or simply common sense and prudence as a counterweight to the impulsive action of purportedly hiperformados young, have a very quickly reached levels of decision and of power that previously only reached accredited career professionals.

Today we are told that this is a crisis of confidence. That financial institutions are afraid to lend money, because do not trust each other. We will have to reflect on the why this situation has been reached on what basis have informed the fragile growth in recent decades, what criteria surrounding decisions have been taken their banks, companies and individuals. And perhaps we agree that the absence or disability of those old values has been crucial.

Immersed in the fullness of the crisis hardly us still envision change. But I am convinced that those who in the past remained true to the old scheme of values will be strengthened. And that society as a whole may require that these old values return to emerge. It begins to be an emergency.

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#1 - Pedro
27/07/2011 16:32:13

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