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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ritchie Bros.: una década optimizando las flotas españolas de alquiler
“The companies for hire value the certainty of our auctions”, signals Jeroen Rijk, vice-president for the south of Europe of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

Ritchie Bros.: A decade optimising the Spanish fleets for hire

David Muñoz29/11/2011

29 November 2011

The auctions, through his different formulas and skilled companies, have converted with the years in the channel employed by a lot of alquiladores to optimise his parks of machinery, well purchasing in him interesting products for his businesses, well attending to this method to relieve possible excesses of offer. We begin in this number of Interempresas OP, with the signature Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, a block of reports devoted to the different technical of auctions that already are presents in Spain and that offer his services to the companies for hire.

Founded in 1958, Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Sells through public auctions without reservation a wide range of active industrial used and without using, used in the construction, transport, agriculture, elevation, minería, forest industries, oil and maritime. The company has more than 110 offices in more than 25 countries, including 43 headquarters of auctions all over the world. In Spain, where is present from the year 2001, has installations in Ocaña (Toledo) and Moncofa (Castellón).

Permanent installations with which explains Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers In Ocaña (Toledo)
Permanent installations with which explains Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers In Ocaña (Toledo).

“Leaving separate the emotion that arouse our auctions, our differential value goes through the fact that we are a provider of service in an only industry. Ritchie Bros. It is the subastador industrial bigger of the world and our presence of more than 50 years contributes us experience and knowledges in the commercialisation of active industrial. Our growth continues to measure that launch new services and initiatives that facilitate more and more the sale of teams and trucks. Definitely, the best way to understand the difference of Ritchie Bros. It is to visit our auction and live this experience in person”, signals Jeroen Rijk, vice-president of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers For the south of Europe.

Each auction of Ritchie Bros. It realises without reservation, what means that there are not minimum biddings or prices of reservation on the articles that sell . All the articles sell the day of the auction, independently of the price. Ritchie Bros. It does charge of all the process, from the advertising all over the world until the organisation of the day of the sale and collection of the income.

Experience with alquiladores

This wide range of services has attracted to increasingly companies in Spain, between them the skilled in the rent of machinery, that see in Ritchie Bros. A partner with which optimise his parks of machinery. As it signals Rijk, “have been realising auctions in Spain from does more than ten years, having the fortune to work in this time with big and small companies for hire. Ritchie Bros. It has been member of Aseamac (Spanish Association of Alquiladores of Machinery for the Construction and Industry without Operator) during a lot of years, an institution that as it knows is very important in the sector, and in our auctions give us account day in day out that the companies for hire are turning into sellers with experience. Our relation with the alquiladores is now very personal place that work together in a lot of occasions to obtain the best results for both, the buyers and the sellers”.

Jeroen Rijk, vice-president for the south of Europe of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Jeroen Rijk, vice-president for the south of Europe of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers.

The advantages that obtain the alquiladores to the hour to sell his machines through this channel are diverse, as it ensures the own Jeroen Rijk: “Like any another sector, the rent is a business of flow of box. The quality and the efficiency of his fleets are critical factors for the success. The companies for hire with which have been working value the certainty of the wholehearted auctions of Ritchie Bros. When they are selling teams inactivos, know that there are people of all the world that will be competing between yes by his machinery, and that they can transform his active in cash in some weeks. The flexibility is important for the agents of fleets and we have the capacity to handle successfully so much small like big consignaciones, and complex tanks with a minimum risk”.

An interesting offer

But the alquiladores no only attend to the auctions to give exit to his teams, but they also resort to they to buy machines that can contribute a value added to his parks. “The companies for hire can be also buyers of teams very active in our auctions —indicates Jeroen Rijk—. We know that the agents of fleets for hire are expert in matter of teams and appreciate the fact that they can test and inspect the articles in our installations. After the auction, the articles are directly to disposal of the new owner and can put to work. Any one that was the situation, encourage us in offering solutions adapted to the challenges that present to the alquiladores of machinery”.

The auctions of Ritchie Bros. congregan To cientos of people and also can be followed on-line road
The auctions of Ritchie Bros. congregan To cientos of people and also can be followed on-line road.

The articles that form part of an auction of Ritchie Bros. They are properly grouped in a campa where the buyers interested can inspect, compare and test before bidding the day of the auction. During the same, all the mobile teams drive by a rampa, in front of a public of postores that listen attentively the “sing” of the subastador, looking the screens with the prices and keeping visual contact with the manifolds of biddings. To bid, raise the hand, with the hope to turn into the best postor.


“Since it began the crisis in Spain, have observed an increase of pertinent teams of the sector for hire. We are happening still by a phase where a lot of alquiladores need to adapt to the market and our auctions without reservation are a very effective method to obtain results. They do not exist a lot of places in this moment to exhibit goods, that are inactivos, to cientos of international buyers and always sell to the best postor. The detail of the internacionalidad is essential for the majority of our customers sellers put that a lot of articles split of Spain and our auctions allow to the local companies sell in the conditions of the international markets”, continues signalling Jeroen Rijk.

In this internationalisation of the auctions is playing a fundamental paper Internet. Through his web, available in more than 20 languages (included the Spanish), Ritchie Bros. It offers precise information about the teams, with until 50 photos detailed of each article, so that the buyers can inspect them from the comfort of his company or home. Through the web also can access to the results of auctions, organise the transport, see technical information of the teams and compete on-line with other postores.

To bid, the assistants to the auction raise the hand, with the hope to turn into the best postor
To bid, the assistants to the auction raise the hand, with the hope to turn into the best postor.

Of face to the most immediate future, Jeroen Rijk appreciates, to way of conclusion, several incógnitas on how goes to evolve the market and, more specifically, the relation of the companies alquiladoras with the auctions. “In the last years have sold a lot of teams and pertinent trucks of the Spanish sector for hire but the true is that, little by little, the balance of the market returns and a lot of alquiladores observe that his excesses of inventory go in decrease. Therefore, in the next months will see if this development continues or changes. A big part depends of the new government, that expect contribution a greater confidence to all the industrial areas”.

Related Companies or Entities

Ritchie Bros Spain, S.L.

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