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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ni un kilo de abono a estos precios

Or a kilo of fertilizer at these prices

José Antonio Turrado, general Secretary of Asaja Castile and León, Spain 14/10/2009

Companies that sell products to the field, starting with manufacturers and distributors of fertilisers, are not adapting to the current situation of collapse of prices for agricultural products and as a result of drastic fall in the profitability of farms, many of which are producing losses. Last year, due to soaring prices of fertilizers, hundreds of thousands of hectares of cereals and other arable crops were planted without spoiling them a kilo of fertilizer and other hundreds of thousands with minimum dose of Subscriber. It was a clever solution for farmers, because who most paid more lost, and because the producers were taught the teeth to the multinationals, this year prices are more affordable, though still prohibitively high.

The cereals market has been falling prices since more than a year ago and seems it has stagnated at levels of 30 years, i.e. between the 18 and 24 pesetas per kilo depending on the type of cereals - wheatbarley, oats, rye, corn-. If the prospects for the future do not look, as indicate the wholesalers of grain that are the same as those who sell fertilizers, fertilizer prices that are now in the stores cannot afford. We must not forget that the next year all aid for cereals and arable crops in general is undocked production, i.e., is not tied to a particular crop, but it is charged based on the rights of single payment and the amount each farmer may have. For this reason, and given the current market conditions, it is expected that farmers sow those more productive farms and leave fallow or simply without cultivating those others in which there is no guarantee that to sell grain to recover costs and it will be a minimum of benefit.

Do not come time to expect miracles. Except that go back to having a year which exceptional of which touches one in ten, average yields of grain of dry land in the region they will stay in the 2,500 kilos per hectare, with current prices are gross billing to 300 euros. Let us start this figure, we begin to deduct expenses and if no you have to see where it is cut, without dismissing, as I have already said, the option of not sow. We know that these tips and recommendations do not like the Government, don't like companies that sell us and buy us products and we know that you do not like nor to cooperatives, but precisely why they are where they are and we are where we are.

Our vocation of farmers leads us to produce each year more and better. This is what we have taught our ancestors and we have followed to the letter, increasing holdings by investing in machinery, technology, improved seeds, subscribers, treatments and even attending training courses. But all this leaves have sense when it occurs in losses as it did in the campaign last cereal, as it is happening in the dairy cattle or in the production of potatoes. For this reason, we do a warning to those who give us farms in lease or sell them us, to those who sell us the fertilizer and herbicides, the blacksmith of the village, the vendors of machinery, electricity companies and our cooperative: If there are no expectations of accession, will start by not spending. Until that the string is broken somewhere.

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