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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Myriam Retamero, responsable de proyectos de Ctaqua
“Activeolive Will allow to commercialise products pesqueros and hortofrutícolas in markets more move# away”

Interview to Myriam Retamero, responsible of projects of Ctaqua

Irene Relda


Take advantage of the excedentes of the industry oleícola for the manufacture of active containers that will allow to increase the useful life of products pesqueros and hortofrutícolas. With this aim is cream the project Activeolive, in which it participates, among others, the technological centre Andalusian Ctaqua. Myriam Retamero, responsible of projects of the centre, explains to Interempresas what can give of himself.

Packaging And packaging resulted of the project 'Valorisation of the products of the aquaculture', developed by Ctaqua 2 years ago...

Packaging And packaging resulted of the project 'Valorisation of the products of the aquaculture', developed by Ctaqua 2 years ago.

Speak us of the current methods of conservation of products pesqueros.

Historically, the products pesqueros have commercialised frescos, integers and without differentiating. Spain is a big consumer of these products and, thanks to his big coastal extension, always have been of a lot of freshness. The problem is that the caladeros Spanish have suffered a big merma because of the sobrepesca and this has caused that the products come from of locations increasingly far or, in the case of the aquaculture, have to do arrive increasingly far. All this has motivated that necessarily it have to evolve in the technicians of conservation of the products to achieve keep them cool and with the standards of quality that sues the market there where go.

What is Activeolive? What objective pursues?

Activeolive Is a project of the program Feder-it Interconnects, that has like aim valorizar the excedentes of the industry oleícola, extracting composed of high value added with antioxidant and antimicrobic properties. These compounds will be applied in the manufacture of active containers that will allow to increase the useful life of products highly perishable, like the pesqueros and hortofrutícolas.

Activeolive Is funded by the European Bottom of Regional Development (Feder) and managed by the Centre for the Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) in collaboration with the Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalucia (IDEA).

Who participates in him?

The project, led by the cooperative jiennense Olive grove of Safe, has the participation of pertinent partners of different Andalusian provinces: Abelló Linde, Esteros of Canela, Bandesur, SPGroup and Miguel García Sánchez and Children, S.A. Besides, like centres of investigation collaborators participate Ctaqua, Citoliva, Andaltec and the University of Cádiz.

Myriam Retamero, responsible of projects of Ctaqua
Myriam Retamero, responsible of projects of Ctaqua.

In what consists the work of Ctaqua in Activeolive?

The manufacturer of industrial gases Abelló Linde and the producing company and trading company acuícola Esteros of Canela participate in this project of the hand of Ctaqua, since both will receive our advice in the activities that will develop in the frame of the same.

Of which appearances will commission each one of these companies?

Abelló Linde Will realizar the proofs of conservation defining the mixes of gases more adapted to ensure a correct conservation of the foods, attending to the peculiarities of new active containers developed in the project. By his part, Esteros of Cinnamon will commission to realizar the proofs of packaging of the products pesqueros using the new containers and the mixes of gases defined by Abelló.

This conjoint work will allow to test the real utility to scale industrial of the prototypes that develop during the execution of the project and will evaluate the increase of the useful life of the products, verifying the degree of improvement achieved.

Which advantages will contribute to the sector olive grove? And to the of the industry of products pesqueros and hortofrutícolas?

The results that pretend obtain of the project centre in benefiting so much to the companies trading companies of products pesqueros and acuícolas as to the ones of the sector hortofrutícola, allowing lengthen the useful life and improving the quality of his products in the chain of commercialisation. If they achieve these results, the companies trading companies of perishable products, like the hortofrutícola or pesqueros, will have a greater margin of performance that will allow them commercialise his products in markets more move# away keeping the guarantees of quality that his products demand.

Which useful life expect that have the products treated with this method? In how much will increase this?

As I have commented, the project still finds in phase of development and do not have data of the exact days that will achieve lengthen the useful life of the products. What himself can affirm is that with the use of new technologies of conservation and packaging will achieve increase the useful life. Depending on the technology of packaging that use , will be possible to achieve an increase in days and even weeks; depending also this factor of the type of product and of the processed to the that have been subjected.

Which feasibility think that has the project? Who will trade it in case that it arrive to good port?

The main users of the containers that pretend develop in the project will be the companies trading companies of products of the sea and products hortofrutícolas, since the experience is developing with these two so important sectors in the economy of the Andalusian autonomous community; however, we expect that the results can extrapolate to other sectors agroalimentarios that can arrive to do use of the active containers that develop in the frame of this project.


On Ctaqua

The technological centre Ctaqua, situated in The Port of Santa María (Cádiz) works from his starts, in 2007, to contribute to the growth of the sectors of feeding and nutrition, new species, animal welfare, engineering applied, commercialisation and environingingment. His obstinacy in the transfer of the knowledge, in that the companies attend to announcements of projects of R&D, and in proposing and facilitate the development of experiences that improve his productive processes, has contributed to an important change in the entramado business.

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