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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Todos contra el nuevo acuerdo UE-Marruecos
First reactions of the agricultural organisations that summon unemployments and loom with resorting the ratification of the agreement in front of the Cutting of European Justice

All against the new agree EU-Morocco

Editorial Interempresas17/02/2012
The field has it clear. After the approval the past 16 February of the Agreement of Free Trade of Products of the Agriculture and Fishing between the EU and Morocco, by part of the European Parliament –369 votes in favour, 225 against and 31 abstentions– already have made public the first reactions.

17 February 2012

During the day of yesterday, UPA summoned unemployments of five minutes in all the big trading companies of the province of Almería. Photo:
During the day of yesterday, UPA summoned unemployments of five minutes in all the big trading companies of the province of Almería. Photo:

From the Union of Small Agriculturalists and Graziers (UPA) urged yesterday to the huerta almeriense to go out to the street, to say in public what thinks on this agreement that opens the doors and liberalises practically to the majority of the horticultural of the country norteafricano. The agricultural organisation summoned, like protest, an unemployment of five minutes in all the big trading companies of the province of Almería. “The agreement between the EU and Morocco is an attack against the economy almeriense”, ensure. And they specify that when they speak of economy, do not refer to speculative interests or cold numbers: “we Speak of the families that live of his work in the agricultural exploitations, speak of the workers that develop his activity in the field almeriense, speak of the people that win his wage in the auxiliary industry or in the companies trading companies. We speak of men and women that depend on a sector agroalimentario with future to live. And this is what today has put in risk the European Parliament”, argue from UPA.

Besides, insist in that the agreement will aggravate the economic crisis of the sector, will increase the unemployment and will generate a split of the social cohesion that, although fragile, “still enjoy”. “We are in front of one of these facts that change entirely the form to live of a region or province, that modifies his social and economic relations to cause a trasformación radical, that with hygiene will be painful and, if we do not put solutions on of the table, tragic”.

“The agreement between the EU and Morocco is an attack against the economy almeriense”, ensure from UPA

The approval of the agreement “is happened” for UPA, that already looks to the future: “we Have to work joined with the new rules of game and do that these fulfil , without exceptions neither deceptions”. Besides, UPA calls to the unit of the sector hortofrutícola, to end to analyse the occurred and pose a conjoint and only strategy: “Our future goes through the work, the unit and the development of serious and imaginative answers in front of the challenges that touches us confront. But especially, for achieving an only voice for the sector and a sector that think and act moved by his collective interest”.To

In first plane, Andrés Góngora, responsible of Fruit and Vegetables of COAG...
In first plane, Andrés Góngora, responsible of Fruit and Vegetables of COAG, during the three days of previous concentration to the approval of the agreement, in front of the headquarters of the EU, in Madrid. Photo:

From Cooperatives Agro-alimentary, and in relation to the new agreement, already expected something like this although they regret the approval of the same by part of the European Parliament because it supposes a step more than the process of liberalisation of the agricultural trade between both territories. According to sources of the agricultural organisation, the arguments of the sector have calado deep in the Parliament where there has been a deep debate, although a sufficient majority of euro-deputies has desoído to those who oponían to the Agreement criticising it by unbalanced, by the damages that would comport for the sector hortofrutícola community and that put in question the supposed profits for the development of the neighbouring country. “Cooperatives Agro-alimentary, at the head of the representative organisations of the sector in Spain and in Europe, has called in the last months the attention on the fault of reciprocity, the weakening of the competitiveness of the Spanish exports, the fault of guarantees of the mechanism of prices of entrance or the negative effects on the employment, in regions with scarce alternatives of economic development and high tax of unemployment”, explain. Even so, they criticise that in the taking of decision have weighed more the fear to mancillar the political relations of the EU with the Maghreb and the economic interest of the continental agriculture, the sectors of the foods transformed, the investors and foreign exporters in Morocco, and the States members that defend them.

In the taking of decision have weighed more the fear to mancillar the political relations of the EU with the Maghreb and the economic interest of the continental agriculture, criticise from Cooperatives Agro-alimentary

Once adopted said political decision, only remains to minimise his negative effects on the sector hortofrutícola, in opinion of the association. Thus, taking into account the no legislative resolution, approved by the European parliament, in which they state the worries expressesed by the agricultural sector European in the last months and of his reasons to refuse the process, beside the reports of the European Office of the Fight against the Fraud (OLAF), Cooperative Agro-alimentary demands now a series of exigencias to the authorities comunitarias. In the first place, that reform of urgent form the diet of prices of entrance, the changes of the Regulations of application of the Commission do not have to expect to the reform of the PAC 2014-2020, to prevent what before that the operators evade to pay the taxles aduaneras. Second, they request to the Commission that involve in the procedures aduaneros so that the controls on the products hortofrutícolas pertinent of Morocco are rigorous and effective, independently that the place of border inspection find in one or another Been member, and that apply the principle of reciprocity –in phytosanitary ware matter, environingingmental and labour– in all the commercial relations. And finally, that improve the competitiveness of the exports hortofrutícolas Spanish and his positioning in the markets.To

COAG Will resort in front of the Cutting of European Justice the approval of the new agreement

The Coordinator of Organisations of Agriculturalists and Graziers (COAG) will present said resource, since they consider the ratification of the agreement a “hard “ mazazo” for the Spanish field. According to sources of the agricultural organisation, this mortgages the future of 250.000 exploitations hortofrutícolas and threat 450.000 places of work and more than 8.500 million euros in exports to the year. In front of the himself of the PE, the Technical Services of COAG ultiman a juridical report that collects, in his opinion, the vulneración of the normative comunitaria, in matter of fundamental rights of the consumers, and attentive against the international lawfulness, regarding the inclusion of the territories of the Western Sahara. “We do not go us to remain of arms crossed seeing like the EU abandons to his luck to the producers of fruit and vegetables Spanish, facilitating the entrance without control of Moroccan products cultivated with wages of misfortune (five euros/day in front of the 50 euros in Spain), with invalid social guarantees for the workers and with the utilisation of phytosanitary ware for the treatment of plagues forbidden does decades in the EU by his aggressiveness”, has affirmed Andrés Góngora, responsible of fruit and vegetables of COAG.

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