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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Amazone, 130 años apostando por la innovación
The German mark presents his big novelties for SIMA 2013

Amazone, 130 years betting by the innovation

David Pozo25/01/2013
An authentic show of image and sound served so that, in the frame of celebration of his 130 anniversary, Amazone presented the past 17 January in front of the international presses all the novelties that carries to SIMA 2013. The innovation has been from always –as it related in the presentation Christian Dreyer, responsible maximum of Amazone– the basic pillar of the mark. And it has been this constant bet by innovar more, the one who has carried to the German mark to figures of record business in 2012, with a turnover that surpassed the 460 million euros.
In the glorious surroundings of the Park Hotel Bremen gave beginning the acts that during two dias 16 and 17 January organised Amazone to present to the international presses all the novelties that has prepared for this 2013, year in that it commemorates his 130 anniversary. The Spanish delegation, one of the most important in the appointment of Bremen, was headed by Andrés Gómez and Belén Churches, in representation of Deltacinco, company trading company of the German mark in our country. Received by one of the responsible maxima of the Department of Exports of Amazone, Wilfried Koldehoff, the group had in the first place the opportunity to taste dishes of the high German gastronomy and to assist to a show of 'high voltage', before going in the next day in matter.

Hude, where has Amazone his centre of learning, went the place chosen by the company to realise in the first place a small balance of the past exercise and of the aims for the year that finishes to begin, but especially to show to the international presses with the strength with which bursts into the mark in the new year regarding novelties.

The Spanish delegation, beside the, Christian Dreyer (in the centre), after the presentation in the installations of Hude (Low Sajonia, Germany)...
The Spanish delegation, beside the, Christian Dreyer (in the centre), after the presentation in the installations of Hude (Low Sajonia, Germany).

The aim of the 500 million turnover, very near

The first in taking the word was Christian Dreyer, maximum representative of Amazone beside his brother, Justus Dreyer. After agredecer to the presents his assistance and remember the important date that celebrates this 2013, the 130 years of the company, Christian Dreyer did balance of the 2012, exercise in that the group invoiceed 460 million euros, 16% more than the previous year. “Ours put to break the mark of the 500 million euros of turnover is increasingly near, but our aim is not to grow for growing, but do it with the feet in the floor and satisfying all the needs that go having our customers”. It is thus that in 2012, Amazone invested 20 million euros in the extension of his factories, and to the equal that in previous exercises, allocated 5% of the turnover to R&D.

The export keeps growing and in these moments already represents 80% of the sales of the company, with France, Russia, England, Poland and the Scandinavian Countries like main markets. Christian Dreyer had a special quotation for three markets that in 2012 were especially fruitful: France, Poland and Kazajstan.

Cristian Dreyer, general director of Amazone, during the act of presentation
Cristian Dreyer, general director of Amazone, during the act of presentation.
The responsible maximum of the company had also some moving words for his progenitor, Klaus Dreyer, that coinciding with the 130 anniversary of Amazone has edited a book in that it does a historical route by the technological milestones reached by the company and also by the philosophy of the company, that has carried always the innovation by flag. “An innovation that keeps on being to day of today a factor of fundamental growth, with the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers like axis, converting to our machines in more intelligent”, concluded Dreyer. Neither it forgot of the paper that play for Amazone the sustainability, the efficiency of his machines and the hygiene of the same. “Our economic independence, with reinversiones in the business does that Amazone can follow having a solid base, with independence of the fluctuations of the market”.
After doing a detailed route of presentation by the seven factories Amazone, five in Germany and other two in France and Russia, Dreyer also wanted to do a forecast for the year entrante: “we Are optimistic, believe in some stable markets, and although our aim keep on being the 500 million turnover, this year expect to grow between a 4 and 6%. We need time to assimilate and optimise the growth of these last years. We want to use the big fairs of this year, as now SIMA and in November Agritechnica, to show our leadership in technology”.

SIMA, plataforma of the novelties 2013

The big appointment of SIMA Paris, of the 24 to 28 February, will be the first in that Amazone will deploy all the novelties that has prepared for this 2013. Justus Dreyer, director of the factories Amazone, went the attendant to enter the big number of innovations, realising first a small historical route by what Amazone has meant in the last century for the credited in the agriculture. It referred to dates so significant like the birth of the first abonadora of double disk in 1958 –invention attributed to Heinrich Dreyer–; in launching of the ZA-Or in 1981, that allowed to change the disks to allow widths of work of 10 to 24 m, ; or the abonadora ZA-M Ultra in the year 2000, that elevated the width of work to 52 m. All this until arriving to the big novelty in abonadora for 2013, the ZA-TS, awarded with a Special Quotation by SIMA.

With a capacity of hopper of 4.200 litres, a width of work of until 54 m and a speed of work of until 30 km/h, this abonadora comes complemented with the Soft Ballistic System. It treats of a system, possible after realising models of analysis in 3D, that allows to adjust the speed to provide a quantity optimised of credit. Besides, the system Car TS allows the maximum precision of credited in edges, even in big widths of work, all controlled from the cabin of the tractor. Christoph Laumann, boss of Sales, supported by several technicians of the mark, went the attendant to present the new abonadora, for whose development did more than 5.000 proofs in field, between them a lot of allocated to evidenciar how the new system Car TS improved in 15% the performance in the 5 next metres to the edge, with what an exploitation of some 500 hectares would save some 3.000 annual euros.

Andres Gómez, responsible Amazone of Deltacinco, beside the abonadora ZA-TS, big bet of Amazone for this 2013
Andres Gómez, responsible Amazone of Deltacinco, beside the abonadora ZA-TS, big bet of Amazone for this 2013.
In the section of electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, and after more than 30.000 terminals Amatron+/Amatron 3 sold, Amazone launches the new version of Amatron 3, the new terminal universal, that allows the integral control of the machine combined with the screen of GPS. Optionally it allows to install the software GPS-Switch, for the automatic control of sections for pulverizadores and fertiliser spreaders; GPS-Track, with parallel lines to help to the guided of the machine; and GPS-Maps, that uses specific maps of application with Amatron 3. The new terminal is totally compatible with the previous models and with Isobus. Also in the section of terminals presented Amapad. With a tactile screen of 12", it has an innovative concept MiniView, with greater ergonomics and intuitive and simple technology to displace by the distinct screens.
The new version of the Amatron 3 and the terminal Amapad were the novelties presented to level of electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers...
The new version of the Amatron 3 and the terminal Amapad were the novelties presented to level of electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers.
The spectacular entrance in scene of the segadora Profihopper was the start of the presentation of the novelties in self-propelled machines. The prototype of black colour did a series of 'pirouettes' on the zone of presentation, evidenciando the eases of manoeuvre that allows. The Profihopper is available in the models zDrive, iDrive and 4WDi. But afterwards it arrived the hour of the big pulverizador self-propelled Panther 4001, that in his version 2013 presents with the Comfort-Pack, that allows the filled automatic of the main tank and the one of clean water by means of an alone port, and that has an entirely automated system and continuous of cleaning. Besides, and thanks to the collaboration between Amazone and Topcon, the users of the Panther will be able to benefit of the last technology in agriculture of precision.
The new Panther 4001 offers a step more in the pulverización self-propelled with the inclusion of the system Comfort-Pack...
The new Panther 4001 offers a step more in the pulverización self-propelled with the inclusion of the system Comfort-Pack.
Later it arrived the turn for the pulverización in way dragged. The new UX11200, with a net capacity of 11.200 litres, stands out by his big capacity of performance, minimising the no productive periods, in addition to by his big chassis and a design, that with an axis of hydropneumatics suspension and his tyres of 1,95 m, contribute him a big stability. In pulverización, Amazone has achieved besides another Special Quotation of the jury of SIMA 2013 by his system AmaSelect Pro, that allows dosificar individually each one of the filters for an application optimised of the product in each past.
The pulverizador dragged UX11200 was one of the big protagonists of the day of presentations
The pulverizador dragged UX11200 was one of the big protagonists of the day of presentations.

Cenius And Cayena, absolute references in crop and seeds

The last part of the presentation was allocated to the new versions of two already emblematic models of Amazone: Cenius and Cayena. After the Cenius and the Cenius-T, arrives now the new Cenius 4002-2 T for a laboreo of depth that requires of a power of 180 to 220 CV. This model, with his multiple options –grilles, smooth disks or sawing, GreenDrill, wheels of guide, and hydraulics control of depth–, allows excellent results in field. The chassis of this cultivador of 4 metres allows to reduce the compactación in cabeceras, the bar of traction the fixation of the Green Drill 500, and a road transport safer with a rear axis that does not bear big weights.

In seed, and of the hand of the boss of Product, Stefan Kiefer, arrived the hour that they appeared in scene the sembradora of grilles Cayena 6001-C and the dragged Quote 6000, both destined to one seeds optimised with a lower request of power (from 120 CV).  With six metres of width of work and 36 grilles distributed in three rows of seed, one of the new options of the Cayena 6001 are his disks of cut ondulados that, in floors of means to heavy, facilitates the penetration of the grilles and a cut of the organic matter that allows a better distribution of the straw. 

Stops seed, and in the section of electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, Amazone presented Amadrill+, a terminal of easy use with drawings in keys for the distinct functions and screen lit. It allows control of Tramline, has hydraulics marker, counter of daily and total hectares, monitors the turns of the roller and the rpm of the turbine, and has sensor of end of seed.

The sowing machines Cayena 6001-C (izq.) And they Quote 6000 (dcha.), two big examples of the advance in the optimisation in seeds...
The sowing machines Cayena 6001-C (izq.) And they Quote 6000 (dcha.), two big examples of the advance in the optimisation in seeds.
Finally, and in sembradora monograno, the leadership recayó in the EDX 6000, of 6 m, able to seed corn, sunflower and rape to 15 km/h with a perfect distribution of the seed in the earth. It put special emphasis in the system of application of credit microgranulado of the EDX 6000, an aplicador granulate for all the grooves, with 95 l of capacity of hopper, with until two microgranuladores in an alone machine (two points of application: on of the seed and together with the seed), and easy adjust and change of rank of application with the electrical roller.

The factory of Hude/Altmoorhausen, example of the bet by the growth

The day of presentation finalised with the visit to one of the emblems of Amazone, the new factory of Altmoorhausen. In her they manufacture some of the most known machines of the mark, so much in manufacturing of floor as of seed –EDX, Cirrus and Cayena–, and realises the assembling of the Condor and of the sembradora of disks Quote. The modern complex, in which they work 70 employees (100 in full season), has seven pavilions and a surface of 2.400 m2, on a total surface of terrain of 30.000 m2. Precisely in the external part of the enclosure had the opportunity to observe a battery of sowing machines Quote and Cayena covers by the snow fallen during the cold German winter and that expected the set off for the different countries of destination. “Each day between four and six tráilers go out of this enclosure with machines, whereas between six and eight tráilers bring each day from the near factory of Hude pieces for the process of manufacture and setting”, explained one of the managers of the department of marketing.
One of the lines in the factory of Amazone in Altmoorhausen
One of the lines in the factory of Amazone in Altmoorhausen.
One of the chains of setting that could observe carefully was the one of the sembradora Cirrus 6002, where each machine takes four days in visiting all the chain. Each one of the machines Amazone raisin along each one of the phases of manufacture and numerous setting controls of quality. The aim is that each one of the 160 machines that go out of the factory to the month do it fulfilling all the parameters of quality and reliability of the mark. Like example, could see to one of the rototillers realising proofs in a rocky terrain that Amazone has prepared to way of zone of proofs in the outsides of the factory.
The sowing machines Quote expecting his exit in the external zone of the factory
The sowing machines Quote expecting his exit in the external zone of the factory.

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