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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Resultados de los ensayos de nuevas variedades de cebada, trigo blando y trigo duro

Results of the essays of new varieties of barley, soft wheat and hard wheat

Gemma Capellades and Joan Serra,  technical Steering, and  José Ignacio Ortega, Coordination of GENVCE

In this publication show the results of the essays of varieties of barley, soft wheat and hard wheat that have evaluated in the frame of the Group for the Evaluation of New Varieties of Crops Extensivos in Spain (GENVCE).


Barley of long cycle
The productive results of the two last campaigns (50 valid essays and 10 varieties) show in the table 1. Yuriko Has been the most productive variety, surpassing significantly the productions of Encarna, Flanelle and Hispanic. The group formed by Yuriko, Kite, Pewter, Lavinia, Plateau and Vinagrosa have surpassed the productions of Encarna.

Essay of varieties of barley in the moment of the espigado in Huesca (Aragon). Photo: General Deputation of Aragon
Essay of varieties of barley in the moment of the espigado in Huesca (Aragon). Photo: General Deputation of Aragon.
The results of a year of essay (26 valid essays and 14 varieties) indicate that Yuriko, Lavinia, Agueda, Tudela, Pewter and Propino have formed the group of varieties more productive from among all the tested. Yuriko Has surpassed significantly the productions of the witness Plateau; whereas Yuriko and Lavinia have surpassed the performances of the witness Hispanic.
Table 1: productive Results of varieties of barley of long cycle of the campaigns 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. (T) Varieties witness...
Table 1: productive Results of varieties of barley of long cycle of the campaigns 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. (T) Varieties witness.
In the table 2 show the main characteristics of the varieties of barley of long cycle that have situated between the most productive group the two last campaigns.
Table 2. Characteristics of the varieties of barley of long cycle more productive of the 2 last campaigns
Table 2. Characteristics of the varieties of barley of long cycle more productive of the 2 last campaigns.
Barley of short cycle
In the group of the two last campaigns (40 valid essays and 10 varieties) Scrabble, Forcada, Streif, Pewter and Windowshine have formed the group of varieties more productive (Table 3). Scrabble Besides has presented a significantly upper production to Graphic and Scarlett.

The results of a year of essay (19 valid essays and 12 varieties) indicate that the varieties Streif and Scrabble have surpassed significantly the productions of the witness Scarlett.

Table 3: productive Results of varieties of barley of short cycle of the campaigns 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. (T) Varieties witness...
Table 3: productive Results of varieties of barley of short cycle of the campaigns 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. (T) Varieties witness.
In the table 4 show the main characteristics of the varieties of barley of short cycle that have situated between the most productive group the two last campaigns.
Table 4: Characteristics of the varieties of barley of short cycle more productive of the 2 last campaigns
Table 4: Characteristics of the varieties of barley of short cycle more productive of the 2 last campaigns.

Soft wheat

Wheat of long cycle
The results of the two last campaigns (51 essays and 10 varieties) show that the group of varieties formed by Warning, Chambo, Sollario, Soledad and CCB Wit has been the most productive without significant differences between himself and showing upper performances to the ones of Ovalo (Table 5). The variety Warn besides has surpassed significantly to Soissons, Aerobics, Illico and Paledor.
Essay of varieties of The Order (Extremadura). Photo: Finca The Order-Valdesequera
Essay of varieties of The Order (Extremadura). Photo: Finca The Order-Valdesequera.
Regarding the results of the last campaign (24 essays and 15 varieties) stand out the productions of the varieties Viriato, Chambo, Soledad, Avelino, Nogal and Bonifacio that have showed significant differences with Ovalo.
Table 5: productive Results of varieties soft wheat of long cycle during the campaigns 2010-11 and 2011-12. (T) Varieties witness...
Table 5: productive Results of varieties soft wheat of long cycle during the campaigns 2010-11 and 2011-12. (T) Varieties witness.
Regarding the quality harinera of the varieties during the present campaign, all they have presented an index of upper fall to 250 seconds and contents in protein very high, upper to 15%. With the results of the parameters alveográficos that present in the figure 1 and in function of the Royal decree 1615/2010, can conclude that Warning and Nogal could consider varieties of the Group 1; Soisson, Aerobics, Carles, Chambo, CCB Wit, Illico, Bonifacio, Avelino and Viriato, varieties of the Group 2; and Sollario, Soledad, Ovalo and Paledor variety of the Group 3.
It appears 1: Quality harinera of varieties soft wheat of long cycle
It appears 1: Quality harinera of varieties soft wheat of long cycle.
In the table 6 show the main characteristics of the varieties of barley of short cycle that have situated between the most productive group the two last campaigns.
Table 6: Characteristics of varieties of soft wheat of long cycle more productive of the two last campaigns
Table 6: Characteristics of varieties of soft wheat of long cycle more productive of the two last campaigns.
Soft wheat of short cycle
The results of the two last campaigns (47 essays and 9 varieties) show that Artur Nick, Platero, Anforeta, Trebujena, Peñalon, Masaccio, Galeon and Granota has been the group of varieties more productive without significant differences between himself (Table 7). The varieties Artur Nick and Platero have surpassed significantly to Gazul.
Essay of new varieties of wheat in The Poal (Catalonia). Photo: J.To. Betbesé (IRTA-Lleida)
Essay of new varieties of wheat in The Poal (Catalonia). Photo: J.To. Betbesé (IRTA-Lleida)
Regarding the results of the last campaign (21 essays and 14 varieties) stand out besides the productions of the new varieties Atomo, Aeneas and Mulhacen.
Table 7: productive Results of varieties soft wheat of short cycle during the campaigns 2010-11 and 2011-12. (T) Varieties witness...
Table 7: productive Results of varieties soft wheat of short cycle during the campaigns 2010-11 and 2011-12. (T) Varieties witness.
During the campaign 2011-2012, all the varieties tested have presented an index of upper fall to 250 seconds and contents in protein very high, upper to 15%. With the results of the parameters alveográficos that present in the figure 2 and according to the Royal decree 1615/2010, can conclude that Gazul, Conil, Mulhacen, Atomo, Aeneas and Granota could consider varieties of the Group 1; Galeon, variety of the Group 2; Artur Nick, Trebujena, Sarina, Peñalon, Anforeta and Platero, varieties of the Group 3; and Masaccio, variety of the group 5.
It appears 2: Quality harinera of varieties soft wheat of short cycle
It appears 2: Quality harinera of varieties soft wheat of short cycle.
In the table 8 show the main characteristics of the varieties of soft wheat of short cycle that have situated between the most productive group the two last campaigns.
Table 8: Characteristics of varieties of soft wheat of short cycle more productive of the two last campaigns
Table 8: Characteristics of varieties of soft wheat of short cycle more productive of the two last campaigns.

Hard wheat

The productive results of the two last campaigns (with 30 essays and 12 varieties) show in the table 9. The variety Lusodur has been the less productive, seeing surpassed significantly by Ginseng, Amilcar and Avispa.
Harvest of a field in The Hoya of Huesca (Aragon). Photo: General Deputation of Aragon
Harvest of a field in The Hoya of Huesca (Aragon). Photo: General Deputation of Aragon.
The results of the last campaign (14 essays and 18 varieties) show that the variety Amilcar has been the most productive, surpassing significantly the performances of Lusodur and Pladur.
Table 9: productive Indexes of the varieties of hard wheat tested during the campaigns 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 in the frame of the group GENVCE...
Table 9: productive Indexes of the varieties of hard wheat tested during the campaigns 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 in the frame of the group GENVCE. (T) Varieties witness.
During the present campaign, all the varieties tested have presented a content in upper protein to 13% and a vitrosidad upper to 80%. With the results of the parameters that present in the figure 3 can conclude that Ginseng could consider variety of Group 1; Simeto, Mulato, Athoris, Mimmo, Gibraltar, Credit, Don Valentín, Guallardo, Catasta, Amilcar, Avispa and Claudio, varieties of Group 2; Gigadur, RABD 0670 and Gallareta, varieties of Group 3; and Lusodur, Boniduro, Serafo Nick, Alironinging and Pladur, varieties of Group 4.
It appears 3: global Index of quality and specific weight of varieties of hard wheat of the campaign 2011-2012
It appears 3: global Index of quality and specific weight of varieties of hard wheat of the campaign 2011-2012.
Group for the Evaluation of New Varieties of Crops Extensivos in Spain (GENVCE)

This group is formed by public institutions of the Autonomous Communities where the crop of the cereal of winter is more widespread. To continuation detail the organisms participants as well as the responsible technician in each case:

• Andalucia. Andalusian network of Agricultural Experimentation (RAEA) – Institute of Agricultural Learning and Pesquera of Andalucia (IFAPA). Maria of the Sea Chair.

• Aragon. Centre of Transfer Agroalimentaria - Government of Aragon. Miguel Gutiérrez

• Castilla – La Mancha: Service of Investigation and Agricultural Learning – Board of Communities of Castile-La Mancha. Ramon Meco; Technical Institute Agronómico Provincial of Albacete (ITAP) – Deputation of Albacete. Horace López.

• Castile and Leon. ITAGRA. Manuel Calvo.

• Catalonia. Institut Of Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) – Government of Catalonia. Antoni López and Joan Serra.

• Extremadura. Centre of Investigation 'Finca The Order - Valdesequera' – Council of Economy, Trade and Innovation. Andrés Gil.

• Galicia. Centre of Agricultural Investigations of Mabegondo (CIAM) – Ministry do Half Rural. Luís Urquijo.

• Madrid. Madrilenian institute of Investigation and Rural Development, Agricultural and Alimentary (IMIDRA) – Community of Madrid. Alejandro Benito

• Navarra. Institute Navarro of Technologies and Infrastructures Agroalimentarias (INTIA). Agricultural division. Jesús Goñi

• Basque Country. Basque institute of Investigation and Agricultural Development (Neiker-Tecnalia) – Basque Government. Juan Bautista Relloso

The coordination and financials of GENVCE has gone to charge of the Spanish Office of Vegetal Varieties (OEVV) of the Ministry of Environingingment and Half Rural and Marino (MAGRAMA).

The analyses of quality harinera have realised them companies linked to the AFHSE - Association of manufacturers of Flours and Semolinas (Harivasa 2000, Flours Carbajo, Flours Polo, Fills of Moretó, Harinera Mediterranean, Harinera Arandina, Agri-Energia, Agroalimentaria Saint José, Saint Lorenzo Electro-Harinera, Harineras Villamayor, Nutrigal and Alimentary Products Rooster). Also they collaborate the producing companies of seeds.

For more information, can consult the web page of the group GENVCE ( or follow it through Twitter (@GENVCE) or Facebook.

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