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The mark gathered the past 6 October in Bellpuig (Lleida) to almost 800 tractors Fendt and some 4.000 assistants

Fendtgüinos Does not have limits

David Pozo18/10/2011

18 October 2011

Who doubts to day of today that Fendt realises the greater concentration of tractors of Spain? Anybody that assisted the past 6 October to the fourth edition of Fendtgüinos in Bellpuig (Lleida) can deny to the German mark have this honour. The caravan 'green' could observe to kilometres of distance arriving by the Transversal Axis Catalan until the places ilerdenses where, in a big esplanade of 88 hectares, already expected all the big machinery perfectly greased of Fendt. Music, entertainment, and especially demonstrations on foot of field with all type of machineries at first marks did of the appointment an only occasion so that the 4.000 assistants could test on the terrain and in a day of hermanamiento what can offer them the technology Fendt. The next appointment will be in the year 2013, and as it aims the organisation, possibly in earths manchegas.

A total of 796 tractors Fendt and some 4.000 assistants filled the explanada that Fendt conditioned in Bellpuig
A total of 796 tractors Fendt and some 4.000 assistants filled the explanada that Fendt conditioned in Bellpuig.
Many doubted that Fendt could surpass the numbers of previous announcements: 99 Fendtgüinos in the first announcement of Tordesillas (Valladolid) in the year 2008, 254 in Sariñena (Huesca) to the following year, and 450 the year happened again in earths pucelanas. As Fendtgüinos 2011 has showed that all could surpass : 796 agriculturalists arrived to Bellpuig mounted in his tractor Fendt, and other three did it with his cosechadoras. “In the month of July arrived of the house Fendt doing us the proposal to realise/realize his concentration in Bellpuig, and from our region and from the own consistory has offered all the support to an act that considered fundamental for the image and the economy of the zone”, affirmed Salvador Bonjoch i Guim, mayor of Bellpuig. “Acts like east show the quality of the machinery and that the agricultural world, unlike what a lot of think, is to the technological avant-garde. Proof of this are the tractors Fendt, an authentic wonder”, added.

The day began to the nine of the morning with the opening of doors and the registrations of tractors that went arriving no so only from near places, but also from very far to live an unforgettable day. The first that had the opportunity to know the assistants was all the range of tractors that the Bavarian mark offers, headed by the small 200 Varied and with the tractors Fendt 800 and 900 of big power –between them the Fendt 939 Varied– closing the presentation. It deserved special attention the new series 700 Varied SCR of Fendt, that could test during all the week in the finca, and that convinces to the agriculturalist by his cabin VisioPlus totally redesarrollada, by the technology Fendt Variotronic, and for incorporating the most modern technology of engines (SCR), that allows to save fuel and a correct postratamiento of the gases of leakage, according to the last valid legislation.

The presentation was headed (up to the izq.) By one of the first tractors of the mark Fendt
The presentation was headed (up to the izq.) By one of the first tractors of the mark Fendt.

fundamental Part of Fendtgüinos was the work in the plots with all the tractors of the mark. During all day, the assistants could experience at first hand the skills of the implementos of the distinct present marks mounted in Fendt. In fact, this is an increasingly common formula and required by the agriculturalists. “The tractor does not work alone and results interesting for the final customer know how works this group and for us like company also know as it reacts the customer in front of this combination”, commented Jorge Calvo, responsible of export of the mark Ovlac. In this same sense, Joan Solsona, of the mark Arcusin, commented: “it treats of a complement direct and of a form to give ideas to the algricultor. In definite, is a marriage forced to get along ”. “In a lot of countries, already have one some experience in this type of activities and check that in these appointments the agriculturalist encourages much more to participate, to come and to ask in function of his needs, at the same time that you can explain them what can do exactly with the machines that offer them”, as it recognised/recognized Ramón Carnasa, general director of Kverneland Iberian.

“Where sees work better a tractor is with a machine and as it sees work better a machine is with a tractor. Every time the manufacturers tend more to not showing the machines in static, but to do it on field, as it sues us the agriculturalist, since it is the half where goes it to use and where truly can appreciate all his characteristics”, argued in this same line José Lafuente, general director of Kuhn Iberian.

Entertainment and show ensured

The national champion of ploughed David Rodríguez assisted a year more with his tractor Fendt to offer a lesson magistral of work in the field, although because of the dates and conditions of the terrain could not lucir especially. Rodríguez could not avoid amaze with his good do to all the one who approached to see him. In addition to the 'botifarres amb mongetes', so typical of the place, the visitors could enjoy of Bavarian traditional music, of the humour/humor of the Varied doctor and Fendtdeta, and put to proof his strength in the game to strike with the mazo directed by a big Augusto of Vicente, that at the same time exerted of boss of track in the area of 'Harvesting'.
The show came of the hand of the German team of Fendt, with Willi Netz, Gerd Bruns and the youngster Manuel Waigen, capitaneados by Georg Fuchs. Besides, also they participated two teachers of ceremonies inigualables, Federico Fellow, specialist of product of Fendt, and the 'speaker' of sportive events Juan Mari Guajardo. A show that began with the spectacular jumps of the motorbike of the subcampeón of Catalonia of Motocross in the category MX2-SOTS19, Gerard García, sporty esponsorizado by Fendt. All the assistants enjoyed of the ease of use of the Fendt 200 Varied, using his joystick and the system of autonomic management TMS, and at the same time the strength and the power of these small fruteros turned into show in hands of Willi and Gerd. The mastery of this last with the shovel Fendt Charge, and especially the new Fendt 700 Varied SCR, that with his new design, the programming of sequences Teaching of Fendt and the Varioactive, convert the work in entertainment.

The first marks do not are missing to Fendtgüinos

ta Did not be missing, of course, first marks of reference inside his sectors in the world of the agricultural machinery, without which a good tractor can not work. Michelin, Kuhn, Amazone, Trelleborg, Sembradoras Gil, Aragro, Continental, Kverneland, Hardi, Nokian, Razol, Du Pont, Pioneer, Solá, Vogel Noot, Arcusin, Ovlac, Repsol, Topcon and Maschio Gaspardo were the marks that in this fourth Fendtgüinos wanted to participate in the event contributing his machinery, products and services of last technology.

Maschio Gaspardo Was the first time that attended to the appointment with the tractoristas of Fendt. “Be for the first time in Fendtgüinos means for us be with the first division of the agricultural machinery. Occasions like these, beside others like the Demotour celebrated in June, allow us have a direct contact with the user, that at the same time that knows the competitive advantages of our products, can give us his councils and realise/realize criticise/criticize constructive on the same”, explained Nicola Franco, director of Marketing of the company in Spain. But they were not the only, also Solà attended for the first time to Fendtgüinos.“In spite of being in our period of maximum occupation, the one of seed, wanted to realise/realize an effort for participating in an appointment like Fendtgüinos with a big representation of our range of machines and of ours last technical novelties", it affirmed Teodoro Menesses, technician of Solà Agricultural Machinery.

Varied of the assistants remarked reason follow being edition after edition in the concentration of tractors of the Bavarian mark. “We bet by events like Fendtgüinos because the type of customers that contributes us are of quality”, affirms José Luís López, responsible of product of Gil. In this same linea, José Ángel Moreno, commercial director of Michelin for Spain and Portugal, affirmed: “we Are from the first edition betting by Fendtgüinos, in addition to being partner of a mark that has realised/realized a clear bet by the technological innovation. Both marks, Michelin and Fendt, have a very seemed vision of what is the technology like contribution to improve the productivity of the agriculturalist”. Another of the marks that instrument the tractors Fendt, Trelleborg, neither was missing to the appointment of Bellpuig. “Part of the demonstrations that have realised/realized here, if it did not go by the tyres/tires for the tractors of high technology, would not be possible, and this is a confirmation that so much Fendt like Trelleborg walk together by a good way”, affirmed Ramón Martínez, general director of Trelleborg Wheel System Spain.
Interview to José Ramón González, director of Fendt Spain

- Which balance does of Fendtgüinos 2011?

The balance, the best possible. We have surpassed our expectations, with almost 800 tractors and 4.000 visitors and have had more collaborators, more earth and more participants that never.

- Every year go doing the better things and suppose that the fact that the people answer with a massive assistance is all a satisfaction for you...

The experience is a degree and the machine of Fendt follows perfectly greased to be able to realise/realize this type of events in places like east, zones in that we try to create expectancy. Never we know which will be the answer, but to each place where go surprise us. The key of everything is in our customers, in the pride that feel to have a tractor Fendt, to want to teach it and to do kilometres/kilometers with him.

- The success of today shows that Fendtgüinos follows alive?

Fendtgüinos follows alive and will continue his way. Still we do not know where it will be the next edition, but will follow trying improve, looking for new collaborators, and will follow ilusionando to the people so that it follow coming in mass, that difrute of this day and, in definite, follow trusting we.

- will follow having first marks in next editions?

Fendtgüinos is an only occasion, because it is a day in that the agriculturalist can test with our tractors all the type of machinery that uses in the agriculture: it can drive a shovel, carry an apero, a ploughed of dump or a terracing of disks, etc., and on of different marks. Practically they are represented all the first marks, incorporating every year new names. Besides to complete still more the catalogue, this year have had in Fendtgüinos companies of fertilizantes, of seeds, etc., with what the agriculturalist has been able to find all the solutions that needs for the field, with the advantage that in an alone day can visit it everything.

José Ramón González, director of Fendt Spain, during the interview realised/realized to Interempresas TV
José Ramón González, director of Fendt Spain, during the interview realised/realized to Interempresas TV.

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