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"We have opened new avenues to convert Fima in the international meeting of the year"

Interview with Alberto Lopez, director of Fima 2010

David well21/01/2010
Alberto Lopez again Edition at the head of which is considered to be the fair's most important agricultural machinery of our country and one of the most important in southern Europe. FIMA 2010 aims to make this year, according to his own director, in the agricultural area in the Mediterranean context.

January 21, 2010

Alberto Lopez, director of Fima 2010
Alberto Lopez, director of Fima 2010.

In the latest edition he spoke of the best Fima history, with more than 1,300 signatures accepted and almost 200,000 attendees. So what is the edition of 2010?

This new call for the international fair of agricultural machinery comes with excellent results. The year 2010 presents a new situation of market to which the companies and, thus, the Organization of the contest are not strangers. In this sense, Fima, 36 Edition, wants to contribute, once again, solutions for the future, as he points out our slogan. The important exhibition content, the high level and the number of technological innovations presented, as well as the number of exhibitors present at Fima 2010, makes us think that the event will once again be a success and a real shock.

What percentage of the exhibitors who were at Fima 2008 they repeated in the present Edition?

We are very satisfied with the response of the firms that were present in the last edition. In this sense, 80 per cent of the companies are present in the Hall. It's a very positive figure and that makes us think that we are on the right track. In addition, I would like to point out that at the Fima 2010 edition we have a greater rotation in the sectors and brands. So, one of the main innovations is that she incorporates a large number of new companies - mostly from countries foreigners-who have chosen fully by Fima.

Do to what extent has noticed the crisis in the field, in which the exhibitors decided be present this year?

Obviously, the current crisis that leads the economy is not seasonal or national, is a global situation, which affects all countries and all enterprises. The current difficulty is affecting not only the primary sector, which is why there has been a rebound effect. This has led to that Fima has a greater rotation of companies. However, Fima has an element in his favour, its positioning in the international trade fair panorama. Also in the difficult moments when increases the value of the leading brands such as ours.

Has continued working to turn the appointment into a benchmark at international level?

Of course, in the past two years a fair of Zaragoza team carried out a relentless policy of promotion, both nationally and internationally, emphasizing the presence of Fima in different competitions, conferences and meetings related to the world of the agriculture and machinery. We have also signed various cooperation agreements with trade fairs and industry associations. We have also tried to open new channels to increase trade missions and make Fima international meeting of the year.

"We are the living room of reference of the Mediterranean and have specific products for exhibitors and the surrounding countries"

In an increasingly globalized world, some companies are working to manufacture machinery for specific areas, such as the Mediterranean. You can see an increase in this type of machinery at the fair?

Of course the Mediterranean context is referring not only to companies, but also to Fima. We are the living room of reference of this area and will have, as it cannot be otherwise, with specific products for the exhibitors and the Mediterranean countries. The rise of specific markets, as it is the case of the Mediterranean area, has become a reality that every day takes on more importance. FIMA is the fair of the Mediterranean agriculture, and for this reason, we form the best fair related to agricultural machinery in the South of Europe.

This year is also present in Fima strong representation of companies dedicated to the world of gardening. Is it a complement or a new line of business that wants to open the fair?

Gardening and the sector of the green areas has had, for several editions, already an important place within the exhibition range from the living room. Within the content of Fima, they have a relevant space, which gives an account of the importance of this subsector in the international market. In this Edition, we can also speak of an improvement in the quality and content of the exhibition which has been translated, also, in more and better concentration of companies related to gardening and green areas. In this way we are working to confirm the enormous possibilities of the fair as important line of promotion and business in all sectors related to the agricultural world and the machinery.

To what extent, from administrations is is helping farmer and livestock so that it can come to an appointment as Fima with possibilities of change and renew its machinery?

Our goal is to ensure that Fima is the appointment of international reference in the sector of the global agricultural machinery. For this reason, we try to facilitate the visit of professionals through professional organizations and associations which have always resolutely supported our contest. In this regard, we must not forget the role of the institutions, with the Ministry of the environment, Rural and marine and the Government of Aragon, as two prominent contributors so that Fima occupies a priority on the agenda of the farmers. Thanks to the work of all, and the great campaign of promotion that we carry out from Feria de Zaragoza, we have managed to make the visit of the professionals at Fima increasingly numerous and faithful.

"Fima is a true professional show, which is designed to ensure that the thousands of professionals visit every minute"

What are the major developments at the technical level that can see the attendees in the more than 100,000 square meters of exhibition area?

Honestly, I have to admit that, every year, companies surprise us with new products. Their involvement is such that the number of companies presenting technical innovations in Fima increases each year. In the same way, I must stress the very high level in the competition. In this Edition, the international jury of technical developments of Fima 2010 had a lot of work to select products, machines or systems which provide new features or improve the procedures in relation to its practical importance. He is progress relating to the economy at work, improvement of the energy situation or environmental or improving working conditions, as well as elements relating to the safety of the same. Finally, after an exhaustive analysis, Fima visitors can see, first hand, some of these new additions that will make your work easier and more secure.

What role do play again mounted in the outside areas?

Outdoor areas have become their own right, in a primary zone when it comes to conceiving a fair. It is an attraction that serves as a complement for the exhibition and that helps us to offer a more dynamic and vision direct from some of the products exhibited by the companies. FIMA is a true professional show, which is designed to ensure that the thousands of professionals visit every minute.

What are based in this edition the technical conferences that Fima has prepared for the attendees?

Planned activities include the second Congress of Rural Development, which has as the central motto 'Innovation as a basis for development', as well as the Conference on techniques of efficient use of energy in the agricultural sector, dedicated to the promotion of conservation agriculture, or the session that would address the recognition of seedlings of weeds, all of which are raised from the perspective of offering practical solutions for all attendees.

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