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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cose promueve la biomasa forestal primaria en Expobioenergía
Biomass is in Spain currently more than 10% of the production in terms of primary energy from renewable energy sources

COSE promotes primary forest biomass in Expobioenergía

Drafting Interempresas21/11/2008
One year more the Confederation of organizations of Selvicultores of Spain, Cose, attended Expobioenergía as representative of the forest sector in Spain. With the main objective of promoting the use of primary forest biomass (BFP) for energy purposes, the Association brought together representatives of all the associations Member of Cose gave representation to the sector at the State level and exchanged results and projects related to biomass among the participants of the fair and the administration.
The participation of Cose Expobioenergía 08, to be inaugurated tomorrow, will continue to be focusing their efforts in the promotion of primary forest biomass to generate energy from a renewable source that respects the environment. Within the framework of the fair will meet the highest representatives of forest associations of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria, Castile and León, Castile-la Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Balearic Islands, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Valencia and Basque country.

During the three days of the fair, the various representatives of the member associations of Cose, that give coverage to all the private forestry sector, will discuss and exchange experiences and projects on biomass in the whole State. In the same way, this activity Cose to promote forestry associations and increase cooperation to achieve greater and better results in the sector.

Biomass is in Spain currently more than 10 percent of production in terms of primary energy from renewable energy sources
Forest owners have traditionally expressed an interest in giving any effective treatment to this biomass that would add value to a product that most of the time is abandoned on the mountain.

In its transformation into energy biomass produces less environmental impact compared with the use of fossil fuels. In this sense, the use of forest biomass for energy purposes contributes to ensure the sustainability of forests and ecosystems that are linked, at the same time ensuring the provision of the use of power generation plants.

Biomass in Spain currently accounts something more than 10 percent of production in terms of primary energy from renewable energy sources and it is expected that this proportion should be increased in the coming years in order to fulfil the objectives set out in the renewable energy Plan in 2010. In particular, the use of forest biomass as a renewable and indigenous energy source, presents many advantages in a country as Spain with a wide forest area on its territory.

Forest owners have traditionally expressed an interest in giving any effective treatment to this biomass that would add value to a product that most of the time is abandoned on the mountain. It is so Cose, Association representative of the forest owners at the State level, promotes and defends the interests of these.

The promotion by Cose of this indigenous and renewable energy source, and sustainable forest management and the increased awareness of the society in respect of the forest activity in general, help to ensure the value and the future of forests.

The Confederation currently has the following member associations

1. Forest Association of Galicia (AFG).

2 Association of owners forest Asturias (Aprofoas - the forest).

3. Forest Association of Cantabria (Asforcan).

4. Confederation of Forestalistas of the Basque country.

5. Federation of forest associations of Castilla y León (Fafcyle).

6. Forestry Association of Navarre (Foresna).

7. Aragonese Forestry Association (AFA).

8. Forestry consortium of Catalonia (C.F.C.).

9. Association of forest owners in the Valencian Community (Afoval).

10. Forestry Association of Rioja (A.F.R.).

11. Association of owners of Montes Alcornocales of Extremadura (APMAE).

12. Forest Association of the Balearic Islands (Asfoib).

13. Forest Association of the autonomous community of Madrid (Asfocam).

14. Association of selvicultores of Castilla - La Mancha (Aselcam).

15. Association of forest owners in the region of Murcia (Profomur).

16. Association of owners of Mount Mediterranean Andalusia Alcornoque (Apromal).

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Confederación de Organizaciones de Selvicultores de España

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